Osteoarthritis of the knee

Osteoarthritis of the knee

Arthrosis of the knee joint (osteoarthritis) is a complex disease of the degenerative-dystrophic type, during the development of which processes occur that affect the bone-cartilage tissues of the knee.

Pathological changes in the joint tissues, which adversely affect the musculoskeletal potential of the lower extremities. The progression of osteoarthritis of the knee leads to mobility difficulties, loss of stability and a significant decrease in motor skills and shock absorption.

What should be done to maintain the mobility of one's body for many years, and what to do if the indicators of physical activity and the level of quality of life have decreased due to osteoarthritis of the knee joint? Let's try to understand this difficult problem.

Features of the development of arthrosis of the knee joint

Osteoarthritis of the knee- This is a common pathology that belongs to the category of the most common diseases that have an extremely negative impact on the quality of human life.

Degenerative-dystrophic processes are most clearly manifested in the form of physical dysfunction of the legs, accompanied by a severe pain syndrome. Depending on how strongly the pathological process progresses, further predictions of the course of the disease are built.

One of the disappointing predictions is lower limb paralysis. The severity of the consequences of pathological processes requires the search for qualified medical care.

What are the causes that lead to osteoarthritis of the knee?

A lot of research was needed to identify the causes of osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Long-term examinations of patients and a thorough study of the clinical picture of the pathology allowed specialists to come to the conclusion that the influence of a number of negative factors is the main cause of the destruction of joint tissues, causing severe pain and inflammation.

Among the main reasons that lead to degenerative-dystrophic processes, it is worth highlighting:

  • injuries sustained: A bruise, dislocation, or knee fracture automatically classifies a person as a risk group and can cause the disease to develop. Damage to the joint implies its fixation, and long-term immobility is a direct path to the formation of arthrosis;
  • strong physical activity - intense stress on the knees (especially in older people) leads to microtrauma, which also leads to the development of negative pathological processes;
  • insufficiently strong ligament apparatus - abnormal joint mobility also adversely affects their condition, which manifests itself mainly in old age;
  • overweight - the extra pounds can cause irreparable damage to the knee joints, because the likelihood of injury to the meniscus in this case is incredibly high. If a large weight is accompanied by varicose veins, then there is a high probability of developing severe forms of arthrosis of the joints of the lower extremities;
  • metabolic disorders - a failure in the metabolism of nutrients and elements in the body provokes the development of various types of diseases, which is due to insufficient supply of various tissues, especially bone and cartilage;
  • increased stress levels: worries and experiences negatively affect not only people's mood, but also their level of physical well-being.

Typical symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee joint

Symptomatic manifestation of the disease allows you to timely monitor the onset and development of pathological processes, which give each patient the opportunity to recover.

Before determining who to ask for help and how to treat osteoarthritis of the knee joint, it is important to know the symptoms of the disease.

Only a competent specialist in this matter can identify the presence and confirm the diagnosis by prescribing treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee. However, each patient should know the main symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee, among which it is customary to distinguish:

  • pain - discomfort that gradually develops into painful sensations does not appear immediately. Their insignificant manifestation in the knees can bother a person for many years, but at some point they can become stronger and will not stop in a calm state;
  • crunch: the "clicks" during flexion / extension of the joint are a wake-up call, which manifests itself already in the second, third phase of the disease;
  • synovitis - inflammation of the joint membrane, in which fluid accumulates, which leads to local swelling;
  • deformation is a feature that manifests itself in the late stages of the disease, accompanied by pronounced inflammation and swelling.

Diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee joint

Diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint is done by an orthopedist or rheumatologist. If you want to undergo a diagnostic exam, each patient can turn to a therapist who will give a referral to a narrow profile specialist or take a ticket for one of them on his own.

The main diagnostic tool for specialists is, of course, the X-ray apparatus. Thanks to the photo taken, you can monitor not only the presence of the pathology, but also the degree of its development.

It is important to note that X-rays eliminate the likelihood of the presence of other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

X-ray examination opens the opportunity for a specialist to:

  • trace the narrowing of the joint space;
  • detect a seal in the joint tissues.

The combination of clinical symptoms and information obtained from the image provides a high-quality diagnosis and diagnosis, with the definition of further treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

The degree of osteoarthritis of the knee joint

Modern medicine divides osteoarthritis of the knee into several degrees, in accordance with the nature of the development of pathological processes.

To begin with, it is worth noting that, according to observations, the disease can be of a different nature:

  • unilateral (right-handed / left-handed);
  • bilateral.

In addition, the pathological process has three stages of development, each of which has its own clinical picture.

1 degree of osteoarthritis of the knee joint

The initial stage in the development of pathology, the successful diagnosis of which is an incredible success not only for the patient, but also for the attending physician.

The peculiarity of the degree of development of arthrosis at this stage is the absence of clinical signs and vivid symptoms. Identification of a disorder can be done during a clinical examination or in the study of another disease.

Evidence of 1st degree knee joint osteoarthritis may be:

  • local discomfort in the knee area during prolonged walking;
  • mild pain that disappears during rest.

It is important to note that pain can be felt in one or both joints of the lower extremities.

Interestingly, left-sided gonarthrosis is often diagnosed in left-handers, while right-sided gonarthrosis is typical for people associated with various sports.

2nd degree of arthrosis of the knee joint

Symptoms of the second degree of development of the pathology are accompanied by an expansion of the signs, which usually include:

  • pronounced pain syndrome;
  • stiffness and severe discomfort in the knee joint;
  • atrophy of the muscles located near the knee joint, caused by tissue damage;
  • increased pain;
  • visually noticeable deformation of the joint;
  • mobility limitation.

Expanding symptomatology simplifies the diagnostic process. The characteristic changes of the 2nd degree of arthrosis of the knee joint are easy to follow when palpating. During a clinical examination, a specialist easily detects an abnormal mass in the knee area.

3 degrees of osteoarthritis of the knee joint

It is almost impossible not to notice the pathology of the third degree, because the patient is faced with constant pain. In addition, the progress of the disease reaches a critical level, which is manifested by the strongest deformity of the joint, in which the limb completely loses the ability to bend / extend.

Lack of proper treatment leads to complete destruction of cartilage and, as a result, to the development of ankylosis (fusion of the joint bones).

The only solution to the final degree of development of the disease is costly surgery, which involves the removal of remnants of cartilage tissue or joint replacement.

How to treat osteoarthritis of the knee joint?

The level of modern medicine is at a sufficiently high level, which guarantees the successful treatment of diseases of various kinds. Osteoarthritis of the knee is no exception.

Today, there are a large number of methods for treating arthrosis of the knee joint.

In the initial stages of the development of pathology, predominantly conservative methods of treatment are used. Conservative therapy includes:

  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • physiotherapy exercises (physical therapy);
  • visiting various massages.

In addition, progressive methods are actively used for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Among the modern effective methods of dealing with dangerous pathology, there are:

  • ozone therapy - a local effect of ozone on the affected joint tissues. Helps reduce pain and stop inflammation. Improves blood circulation in the problem area;
  • kinesitherapy is a set of exercises for osteoarthritis of the knee joint, aimed at increasing its mobility and increasing blood flow.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee with physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is one of the most popular treatments for knee osteoarthritis.

Methods of physical influence, subject to a number of conditions, have the most positive effect on the localization zone of pathologies of various types.

Physiotherapy includes procedures such as:

  • electrophoresis;
  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • laser / infrared irradiation;
  • pulsed magnetotherapy.

The effectiveness of the procedures is individual and depends on the quality of the elaboration of the patient's main treatment plan.

Massage as a treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee joint

Massage is a useful addition to the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee.

Most experts around the world are of the opinion that massage is an obligatory component of the treatment of symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee joint, which has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and helps to accelerate recovery.

Knee massage can be performed both at home and within the walls of a hospital. The main thing during the massage is high-quality preliminary warming of the joint and adherence to the optimal duration of the process (from 10-15 minutes).

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee with massage should include techniques such as stroking, rubbing and kneading.

Gymnastics and physical therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee joint

Exercise for osteoarthritis of the knee joint is an effective way to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and cure the disease.

The process of treating osteoarthritis of the knee is a rather complicated and lengthy process, and physiotherapy exercises are an excellent assistant in achieving the desired result.

The type of physical therapy and exercises for osteoarthritis of the knee joint are selected by a specialist on an individual basis, depending on the degree of development of the pathology and the general condition of the patient's physical fitness.

The main principle of gymnastics for osteoarthritis of the knee joint sounds like: no increased stress on the affected joint, only rational and calm actions.

Medicines for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint

Medical treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee is used to relieve symptoms such as pain and swelling, as well as to activate regenerative processes.

Preparations for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint can have a different form of release (ointments / gels, tablets or injections, plaster).

Important! Any medication must be prescribed by a specialist as part of an existing treatment plan designed for knee osteoarthritis symptoms.

Self-medication is unacceptable and can lead to extremely negative consequences, in particular - paralysis of the lower extremities and disability.

Pain relievers for osteoarthritis of the knee joint

They are used to eliminate the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

Painkillers in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint play an important role, because their use improves the patient's well-being and gives him the opportunity to rest well at night.

Pain relief is achieved through the action of active substances.

Antispasmodicswith osteoarthritis of the knee

Assigned as active assistance. A key area of activity is the fight against spasms.

The active ingredients that make up the preparations help relax the muscle structure and provide pain relief.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint with drugs of this type provides not only the elimination of pain, but also slowing down, complete elimination of the progress of pathological processes.

Regular intake of medicines allows you to observe a constant concentration of active ingredients, which guarantees a positive effect.

Chondroprotector for osteoarthritis of the knee joint

The main helpers in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint with drugs are chondroprotectors.

The active action of chondroprotectors in osteoarthritis of the knee joint is aimed at restoring motor capacity, due to the microelements included in the composition, which are an integral part of the process of building cartilage tissue.

The peculiarity of the principle of action of drugs presupposes a fairly long, but at the same time effective process, to eliminate arthrosis of the knee joint.

Diet and general nutritional recommendations for osteoarthritis of the knee joint

The knee joint osteoarthritis diet is necessary for overweight patients. A low-calorie diet and a wealth of nutrients will ensure a decrease in body weight and accelerate the recovery of the affected joints.

Nutrition for osteoarthritis of the knee joint must first of all be balanced. The daily diet should contain meals enriched with useful vitamins and microelements necessary for the regeneration of joint tissues and maintaining the balance of the whole body.

It is recommended to give up not only bad habits (alcohol abuse and smoking), but also from dishes such as:

  • stock semi-finished products;
  • fatty, spicy and excessively salty foods;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.

For the convenience and competent alignment of the diet, in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee, it is recommended to keep a food diary, which disciplines and helps to facilitate the process of restructuring the usual lifestyle.

Prevention of osteoarthritis of the knee joint

The whole range of preventive measures can be divided into two groups:

  • primary- are aimed at reducing the risk of pathology;
  • secondary- aim to reduce the rate of development of an existing disease.

The primary are:

  • increased attention to the joints of the lower limbs;
  • playing sports, to strengthen the periarticular muscles;
  • maintaining optimal body weight;
  • I swim.

Secondary prevention includes:

  • a systematic course of treatment with chondroprotectors;
  • timely seeking qualified medical assistance when signs of arthritis appear.

Remember that early detection of a disease significantly increases the likelihood of a complete cure.

Don't neglect to see your doctor if you have even the slightest symptom of knee joint osteoarthritis.